Research & Innovation
Our team of over 300 scientists, including nutritionist, behaviorists, veterinarians, immunologists and other pet experts around the world, aim to make discoveries that better the lives of pets everywhere, and conduct extensive, non-invasive studies to see how our formulas affect pets not just in the present, but for years to come. We design and validate scientific methods that enable us to put exceptional quality and safety standards into action at every Canine Creek facility. We consider formulation, production and quality control equally important.

Vacuum Coater System
Vacuum Coater System
Integration of the lipids (fats) in the product is achieved using the Vacuum Coater system, ensuring better and homogeneous distribution throughout entire kibbles. This technology allows us to include vitamins at a lower temperature after the cooking process, ensures the entire nutritional value of the vitamins we use are still bioavailable in our finished kibble.

Twin Screw Extruder
Twin Screw Extruder
At Canine Creek we use the twin screw extruder which have dual co-rotating screws mounted on splined shafts in a closed barrel instead of single screw extruder. The final result is a lower denaturing of nutrients resulting in increased digestibility of our food.